
Stories: 3

Stories by name

Wedding Day Vampire
Wedding Day Vampire
In this thrilling fabrication, watch how a young woman gets an unexpected bloody surprise on her wedding day! Joana, a young lady plans to get married immediately after high school to the love of her life, Andrew on her 18th birthday. She is unaware that she descends from a historical line of vampires, and she has lived her whole life as a human, with no knowledge of the supernatural. Due to an agreement made by one of her ancestors, Marilyn Lou, to the supreme council centuries ago, she is fated to become a vampire on her 18th birthday, the day she plans on getting married. She wants to return to her life as a human, and together with Derick, a vampire in Lou's coven who was in love with her ancestor, they begin the search for the council to make a new agreement. Will Joana be able to adapt to the new life she is about to encounter? Will her feelings for Derick get in the way of her plans? This is a story of love, mystery, drama, and more importantly, Vampires! Find out how Joana handles her fate in "Wedding day Vampire" This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Su Alfa posesivo
Su Alfa posesivo
"¡Tú me perteneces, Ava! ¡Eres mía! ¡Y que me lleve el diablo antes de permitir que otro te posea!" rugió él, consumido por una ira desbordante. Los antiguos líderes de la manada Luz de Luna mantenían una tradición arraigada que jamás se había quebrantado: seleccionar a la Luna ideal para su Alfa de entre sus propios miembros, orquestando así la unión perfecta que, según creían, ni la misma diosa de la luna podría igualar. Ava Maynard, integrante de la manada Luz de Luna y la próxima en ser coronada como Luna, fue designada para este destino desde su más tierna infancia y se ha venido preparando para ello durante toda su vida. Sin embargo, al llegar el momento de cumplir con su deber y contraer matrimonio con Ray, el Alfa de la manada Luz de Luna, su camino se cruza con el de Lucas, su verdadero compañero. Respecto a su auténtico compañero, Ava siempre había supuesto que lo rechazaría en cuanto apareciera, tal como lo habían hecho las Lunas precedentes; si ellas habían logrado manejar la situación con éxito, ella estaba convencida de que también podría hacerlo. Pero surge un contratiempo: ¿qué decisión tomará al darse cuenta de que ninguna de las Lunas anteriores se había enfrentado a un compañero como Lucas? Un ser tan posesivo, que no escatimaría esfuerzos para alcanzar sus deseos; alguien que no renunciaría a ella sin dar batalla, alguien resuelto a reclamar lo que la diosa Luna le ha otorgado, incluso si ello implica desafiar las tradiciones de su propia manada. ¿Qué ocurrirá cuando Lucas De 'Clan, Alfa de la manada Alba y verdadero compañero de Ava, descubra que ella está siendo preparada para otro? ¿Acaso renunciará a su compañera para que ella cumpla con sus deberes como Luna? ¿O luchará por lo que le pertenece por derecho? Y Ava, ¿qué camino elegirá? ¿Dónde reside la lealtad de su corazón? ¿En su destino o en su deber? Descúbrelo en "Su Alfa Posesivo; Historia de una loba rota". Advertencia: Este libro contiene temas oscuros, contenido sexual agresivo y maduro que puede resultar inapropiado para lectores jóvenes.
Her Possessive Alpha
Her Possessive Alpha
"You belong with me Ava! You are mine! And I'll be damned before I let anyone else have you!!!" He growled with boiling rage. The former leaders of the moonlight pack from time past had a popular tradition that had never been broken; choosing the perfect Luna for their Alpha from within the pack, arranging the perfect union they thought that the moon goddess could not provide. Ava Maynard, a member of the moonlight pack and the next in line to be the Luna, was chosen for this role when she was just a baby, and has been preparing for it her whole life. But when the time comes for her to assume her duty and marry the moonlight pack's Alpha Ray, she meets her true mate, Lucas. As for her true mate, well, Ava had always thought that she'd just reject him whenever he came along, just like all the other Luna's before her had done, if they'd been able to manage it well in the past she thought, then she should too. But there's a problem; what will she do when she finds out that all the other Luna's have never been mated to someone like Lucas? Someone so possessive, someone who will stop at nothing to get what he wants; someone who won’t give her up without a fight, someone who is determined by all means to get what the moon goddess has blessed with, even if it means going against her pack's tradition. What will happen when Lucas De ‘Clan, Alpha of the Dawn pack and Ava's true mate finds out that she's being prepared for someone else? Will he eventually let go of his mate so she can fulfill her Luna duties? Or will he fight for what rightfully belongs to him? And what about Ava? What will she choose? Where does her heart belong? Her fate or her duty? Find out in Her Possessive Alpha; Tale of a broken wolf. Warning: This book contains dark themes, trigger aggressive and mature sexual content that might be considered unsuitable for younger readers.
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